A few months ago Sam informed me that he wanted editing rights to our blog. Up to that point I was the sole "owner" of the blog, and he wanted equal ownership. I was hesitant because Sam's the type of guy who would go onto the blog and change everything just because he thought it was funny. I also figured he would post something stupid and embarrassing because - again - he'd think it was funny. Well, since he got his own password he hasn't done anything annoying or embarrassing to the blog - or so I thought! I had not posted anything in quite some time, so when I posted 2 glorious postings at once not too long ago, I thought the comments would come pouring in! I only got 2 - each from Sam. How disappointed I was. :( Sam told me it was because no one looks at my blog anymore because I wait so long between posts. I thought he was probably right. Until a couple days ago! I was talking to my mother and she said something about the fun Harry Potter party post (say that 5 times fast). She told me it looked like we had a good time and she had a question about it that she tried to put in the "comments" section, but when she did, blogger told her that it would be posted "pending approval" from me! What? I've never had that feature set up before! So, this morning Sam starts poking fun at me again about how no one cares about my blog anymore because they're not leaving comments. I asked him if he knew anything about enabling the "comment review / approval" feature.... Oh yeah! "I was playing around with the settings the other day" he says. "I probably turned that on. Yup. Yup that's what I did. Well, I'll just fix that real quick." Lo and behold, 13 comments appear! Way to prove me right, honey! You are not responsible enough to have a blogger password. To all you faithful friends and family who took the time to post a comment and never saw it up, I apologize. The comments are all there now and I appreciate them. I had better keep my eye on the "Comment Thief" who is my spouse!
And speaking of thieves...
Sam woke up this morning and got ready for work just like any other day. I stayed in bed and slept through his morning routine just like any other day. We say prayers, he kisses my forehead, out the door, I fall back asleep. Suddenly...a jingling at the door! Keys in the deadbolt. In walks Sam, not at work! I ask him sleepily what's going on. He replies that his car got broken into! If you haven't seen Sam's car, it's a '95 Jeep Cherokee that makes him look like he's a day laborer. Really, it is a hunk of junk.
Okay, it's not that bad, but why anyone would break into this car is beyond me. Especially when we live in an apartment complex, so the thief had his choice of about 2,000 different cars. But no, he chose Sam's piece of crap Jeep. What did he steal, do you ask? Sam's piece of crap stereo! Seriously, this is something that we want to throw out the window everytime we use his car. It is the worst CD player ever. It's the kind that has the removable face, which is nice right? Except for the fact that it doesn't fit in his dashboard so it's just an eyesore. And it skips. Frequently. And there's a CD stuck in it that's been stuck in it since last Christmas. Stuck so it won't come out or go in so you can't use the CD player, or even listen to that CD! Hahahahahaha! Joke's on them! They did us a favor taking it. Sam even said, all they had to do was come knock on our door and ask for it, and he would have gladly given it to them! :) That part was pretty comical. The one part that sucked was this: Sam's car is, like I stated before, a complete piece of crap. Every single door and window is broken. Literally all of them...except one. Guess which one the friggin' crook broke to get into the car. The ONLY ONE we wouldn't have wanted to fix anyway! Piece of crap crook!!!!! Whatever. I'm still laughing thinking about the look on their face when they get the stupid CD player home and realize it's not worth a friggin' penny! Hahahahahaha!
Well, that's all. Thank's for listening.
This wasn't supposed to happen!
11 years ago
Oh Brother . . . .
I was laughing my head off about the comment post (as much as I laugh at a Shaelyn video!) and then I got to the very sobering car post :(
Maybe you guys should get bicycles__
no wait, they're easier to steal!
That is really funny... I should have known it was Sam. I kept wondering why you had changed your setting and why you were not approving my comment (I didn't think it was THAT inappropriate)! :) Sorry to hear about your car! I'm glad it was nothing major though.
MOM! I have to compliment you on your blog comments. I have been following them since the beginning of the "Cook" family blog era, and I have to say, you are actually getting funny! I mean, your comments actually make me laugh! Way to go!!!
Thanks! :)
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