Friday, July 3

Welcome to the World, Trevor Benjamin Banks!

These pictures are in no particular order, and I don't really feel like taking the time to put them into any order, so you just get a montage. Trevor was born on Wednesday, July 1st at 7:24 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. It was a 12 hour labor, but once it came time to push he just popped right out! A really, truly easy delivery. I actually smiled the whole time. He had some problems breathing at first so they had to take him to the NICU, but 4 hours and a priesthood blessing later, he was back in my arms and hasn't left my side ever since! So here they are, in no particular order, pictures of the world's cutest new baby, Trevor Benjamin Banks!

My lovely labor pics

Sam was a real gem during contractions: tickling me, putting ice chips down my gown, and shooting pictures of me - a la the above.

Another lovely labor pic. Thanks, honey!

So happy to have my sweet little boy back in my arms

Beautiful boy

Two of the most handsome men around

Just can't get enough of them!

Oops, sorry. I thought this one was turned.

My little turtle

Look at those luscious lips

That little red mark on his cheek is from where they had to tape the tubes down so he wouldn't pull them out of his nose. It was irritated and red for a while but has since gone away. Sad, huh?

Goopy eyes! And man oh man do I love that pouty bottom lip!

It looks like a good yell, but because he couldn't inflate his air sac in his lungs it really didn't have much volume behind it.
Well there you have it. I hope I didn't keep you all waiting too long. Stay tuned for some sweet pictures and videos of the two boys together. David is a VERY excited, affectionate, and curious big brother. It has been cute to watch.
Trevor has been such a joy. He is such a mellow baby, hardly ever cries, and just loves to be held and snuggled. Plus he loves to sleep so we're not terribly sleep deprived. Yet at least. Welcome Trevor! We love you so much and are so happy to have you in our family!
Ps: a special thanks to Sam's mom and sister who helped out so so so so much! Thank you thank you thank you. We love you. To see the post Sam's sister did highlighting Trevor's birth and some of David's adventures, click here.


Ashley C said...

Congratulations!! He is such a perfect little newborn. So cute! My brother's name is Trevor and I have always liked that name.

Nicole said...

Tears. Tears. Tears. All of joy!! I am sooo happy and excited for you. He is so incredibly cute. I love him so much already. Thank you for posting this (I am assuming you did it just for me, of course). :) I am so glad everything went so smooth and you and little Trevor are doing so well! So excited to see him and David together!

By the way, you look completely amazing in those pics--you are gorgeous. And I love your hair.

Rachel Oswald said...

Yay! What a precious little guy. I'm glad he's back with you now and everyone is doing well. You look gorgeous Shannon!

Annalisa said...

CONGRATS!!! I am too far away, it is offical! I just heard the good news. Yeah for babies. I love you guys and we are thinking of you. Wish we were there. Love those cheeks.

Jennifer said...

He is so cute...I can't get over it. I'm glad he is finally here and doing well. You look amazing.

Grammy said...

Okay, so first picture you look like a model posing as a mom in labor, now everyone hates you : ) and the rest of the pics look great too! I now completely see from the one pic why you called him a turtle-hilarious! However, all the others he looks fine especially the ones where he is in your arms. : ) His little tape mark broke my heart, I guess he's gonna have your sensitivity to adhesive. What a cutie and what a beautiful family, can't wait til I can hold him again. Making all the plans for the blessing now-yay!!!

Hailey Yep said...

Congrats Sam and Shannon! He's beautiful!

Jenna Theobald Broadbent said...

He does have those lucious lips! Congrats to the four of you. We love you!

*StEpHaNie* said...

oh my gosh! he is so dang cute!! i cant wait to see him!! he looks just like David! I hope everythings going good and your getting alot of sleep! :) I love you! Call me if you need anything!

Melissa and Dave said...

Darling!! We are so excited for you guys.

Heather said...

More Trevor please.

Brittany said...

Seriously, am I looking at David? I need to come over and hold him again... He's beautiful!

Jerry Banks said...

He is a fine looking lad. He looks alot like that big brother of his.