Shannon and I first went into the Doctors office a little over two weeks ago thinking that we were eight weeks along. As it turned out, we were only 6 weeks along and the baby was tiny. We received an ultra sound and heard the little heart beat. We were so excited to see and hear our little one, but, as you can see from the picture below, we had to use our imaginations to see a child in the first ultra sound. Nevertheless we were proud little parents and my first thought was to scan the little picture in and post it here so that we could show our little one off. Well, like I said, it's been over two weeks and I am now just getting around to doing it; due largely to the fact that we had another visit (I'll let Shannon blog you the details of the visit since I mostly just sit there and was made to feel guilty for doing this to her) and had another sonogram. This time the baby was fully formed and speaking! Well, not really, but it might as well have been cause the difference in such a short passing of time was absolutely remarkable. It actually looks like a human (P. S. (and yes I know that I am not yet at post script) nobody freak out that I call my baby an it; I don't know the sex yet and don't want to jinx it by calling it one way or the other (plus, doing the whole feminist he/she thing is too much of a hassle any way)) being. Shannon is growing herself a nice healthy baby. There was no denying the heart beat this time; it was Strong and loud. Yep, you can tell that this baby is a Banks alright, HOLLA!!! Anyway, I am now posting the pictures form both ultra sounds. First is the baby at our first visit (which will be obvious) and the second is the latest as of yesterday. The baby actually grew so much that they moved up the due date! Yup, definitely a Banks this one. Enjoy.....
This wasn't supposed to happen!
11 years ago
Hee hee hee! I didn't know Sam was posting this! When I got to work today I logged onto our blog to add some stuff to it and saw this little post. It made me cry. :) Thanks Sam! You are so thoughtful and funny, and it's so special to see our little baby and be able to share it with the people we love. You're the best! I love you, and thanks for giving me a little Banks!
Sister and Samby Joe,
I love that you have a picture of your dino baby, now cherry baby, on your blog. Keep these adorable things coming! I'm so glad you are blogging so that I can feel like I'm in the loop with your pregnancy.
And about the Valtrex. Everytime that commercial comes on I laugh so hard that whatever I'm eating/drinking threatens to come out my nose. Not because the commercial is that hilarious (although it is), but because of the look Michael gets on his face when he hears the words "I have genital herpes". Now THAT's priceless!
PS - Shaelyn loves the pictures of her little cousin!
Yay for Baby Banks!!! and of course the December 12th -HOlla-due date!! It(Sam said it first) must be special to be born on such a great day. Not that I ever doubted before but now I know for sure that I'll be the favorite aunt. Love you guys!!
I had a dream last night and in it I was playing with the prettiest little curly haired girl on earth.
She was in love with her daddy. Way to go guys.
Congrats!! yay!! im so excited for you two!! finally a little boy in the fam!! i love you guys!!
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