I really am such a blog slacker. I'm not even going to make up an excuse as to why. I just am. I will admit, I'm losing interest. However, now that the baby, Sam and I picked up and MOVED TO UTAH!!!!!!!!!!, I guess I had better keep up this blog thing so we can all still keep in touch. That's right, Sam got a job in Saint George, Ut. We love it, but more on that later. This post is actually my "Happy Halloween" post. Like I said, better late than never, right? Anyway, this year all three of us dressed up, and all under the same theme. Lame? Probably. Cheesy? I suppose. Hilarious? Most definitely. Especially because now I have yet another picture I can submit to Motherboy. Take THAT Lucille and Buster!
Before the costume reveal, it must be stated that I am obsessed with carving pumpkins. Literally. Obsessed. I subscribe every year to a pumpkin carving website (and yes...I pay for it), spend $50 on pumpkins, and spend every night the week of Halloween carving up my creations. Fortunately for Sam, I convinced
some friends to jump on the carving bandwagon and they obliged. So he didn't have to endure it alone (thanks Harneys). Anyway, here's a video of some of the pumpkins we carved (at least, the ones that didn't rot and wilt before Halloween even came):
The funny thing about this video is that I had told Sam I was going outside to "trick or treat" and that I wanted him to answer the door with David. So why it took him so long to get to the door I'm not sure. Sam's classic.
Here's our little caveman...complete with club and caveman grunt.
The whole cave family...

So Lucille and Buster, you'll have to do better than Sonny and Cher if you want to beat THIS duo.

LOVE the pumpkins, LOVE the costumes! Sooo funny. I want to carve a pumpkin with you again!! I love the enthusiasm for it.
David looks so big!!! How did he get so old, so fast? He is such a handsome boy. Your hair looks dark in that last pic--did you dye it or is it a wig or is it the lighting?? Whatever it is, you look super cute.
By the way, you can't lose interest in the blog, even if you are super close to family now. Remember you still have family in Taiwan you have to update every once in a while. It's either this or call me every week and send pictures and vids... so take your pick! :) Miss you guys!
he he! love the caveman costume, and the pumpkin you don't know who it is, "but he's cool". and john mccain. love the giggle when you said it. i giggled the same giggle. and then busted a gut laughing out loud! david is the cutest little caveman i ever did see. and i love sam's geico shirt. now THAT's classic sam. and your costume rocks sister! thanks for adding new pictures to the blog - even if it IS a pain sometimes. like your new house too, the parts i could see.
i think david gets cuter and cuter every day. you better keep having boys and i better keep having girls so you can have claim on the cutest grandsons and i can have claim on the cutest granddaughters!!!
how many times did david hit you and sam with that club?
Darn it...Nicole took my first comment...love the costumes, love the club__especially when he's waving it around! How did he get so stinking cute__oh, I forgot, he's got you guys for parents. Great one, Sam, and Shannon you look amazing for an incomplete costume (as you said).
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