Saturday, June 4

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home.....

Do you remember that Primary song? It was always one of my favorites. Anyway, as I mentioned in my previous post, we are so happy about this move to Tucson we have made. For so many different reasons. But one of my favorites is the sheer amount of time we've been able to have Sam at home. For the last 5 years of our marriage, Sam hasn't ever really had a Saturday off. There was a 6 month stint where he was able to work some really great hours, but that job was short lived and we've never had another one like it. All other jobs he has had to work Saturdays, and most of the time he wouldn't get home until after the boys were in bed (even though he had left before the boys woke up). It was fine for a while, but those hours put a real strain on our little family, and the ones who suffered the most unfortunately, were our sweet little boys. They didn't really know their dad, and often times weren't even sure what they thought of him. It was sad for everyone and we wondered if Sam's relationship with his sons would ever change. Sam's new job has been an even bigger blessing than we ever thought possible in that regard. He is not only able to be home by 6:30 every night, but he also gets every other Friday off. These two things combined have changed our family dynamic so drastically I can't contain my joy. Our boys LOVE Sam. They love when he's home, they hate when he leaves, they wake up early in the morning so they can run out to the driveway and wave to him as he drives away until they can't see his car anymore. These things bring tears to my eyes and joy to my heart in ways that I can't even describe.

The other day, David came in from waving goodbye to Sam and sat down on the floor and said "I wished Daddy didn't have to go to work." I have never in my life heard those words, and for a long time I didn't think I ever would.

This week was a dream come true for us all - Sam had Memorial Day off (another perk...he's never had holidays off or any vacation time). So we had a nice 3 day weekend. However, it also fell on a Friday off week, so he was able to be home Monday, work Tues - Thurs, and then be home Friday. It was amazing on so many levels. We did so many fun things and the boys couldn't have been happier (and neither could Sam).

Here are the highlights of our week.

Monday (memorial day):
We spent the ENTIRE day outside swimming and bbq-ing. We swam and ate hot dogs and hamburgers and watermelon for lunch, swam some more and grilled ribs and corn for dinner. The boys were so worn out, Trevor even fell asleep in his chair at dinner. It was a great day.

Sam was able to come home early, about 2 o'clock. He walked in the door and put the boys in their bathing suits. What a fun dad. We played splash ball in the pool, and they loved it. That night we got wings at our favorite wing place and watched some basketball. More happy boys!

David was so sad about Sam being at work all week that we promised him we'd go on a date when Sam had his day off. David got to plan our family date for us. He wanted to go see Kung Fu Panda 2 and then eat lunch at Panda Express (hilarious, right?). So we did just that. The boys were so cute with their little individual slushies and popcorn. After our date, we took the boys to look at some houses (one of David's favorite activities, especially with our realtor who he LOVES!). Then we came home and went swimming (are you seeing a theme here?). We are so full of vitamin D, I don't think the boys even know what to do with themselves!

No swimming today, but Sam did take the boys to the park. They got to chase lizards (another favorite of David's, and a main reason he loves AZ so much), watch a little girl pelt her dad in the kidney with a baseball (which apparently was really funny), and run until they were so thirsty and tired they practically begged to go home!

I know this is just the beginning of a lot of Daddy time, and we couldn't be happier about it.


shelley said...

fun fun fun!!! so happy for you and the good things that are happening to your little family.

now post a picture of that dog on your blog so i can see it already!!!

Nicole said...

First, this is amazing and makes me so unbelievably happy! Second, when you say your favorite wing place I hope you are talking about lemon pepper wings at wing stop. Third, I can only imagine how cute the boys are during all these fun activities; I know it can be a pain, but I want to see pictures!! ;) Fourth, Kung Fu Panda and Panda Express--I like the way that kid thinks. BTW was the movie good? Just seeing one of the previews I had tears coming I was laughing so hard.

Christa Skousen said...

I am SO SO SO happy for you guys!! Boys really do need daddy time. I'm just so glad that everything has worked out like it has. You guys deserve it more than anyone.

Jennifer said...

I love it I love it!!!!
Can't wait to see all your smiling faces in two weeks...woot woo!!!

Annalisa said...

THis post makes me happy because I saw first hand how much Sam was working and how little he did see of the boys. I am happy for you all. Your family needed this move. I on the other hand miss you. I miss your daily friendship. I have begun to really get to know you and I love it. You are so easy to talk to and you give great advice. I admire all or your talents and I think you are a gorgeous hot mom. Thanks for being another sister to me. Thanks for being real family. For taking us in and giving us a home and food. For the fun nights and the fun games. I even miss babysitting. Have so much fun in AZ..but remember you are MISSED! I can't wait to see you in two weeks! I have really started training now. I hope I will be ready by July. love you!

Grammy said...

And now that you're moving can I run after your car til it's out of sight-glad you're only a few minutes away-and where is that pic of the dog

Shannon said...

Oh I'm so glad he can be home more. Your family is adorable.