Wow! It's been almost 2 months since I've been on here. I apologize to those of you who actually care. So get ready because there is about to be a plethora of posts coming your way!!! I hope you can handle it. So I'll start with an event waaaay back in February. The third to be exact. Sam and I blessed our beautiful baby boy that day and our families came out to witness our little baby receive the most beautiful blessing I've ever heard. Sam is the best daddy in the world and hearing him ask his Heavenly Father for all the things he wishes for his baby was so special and it brought tears to my eyes.

The new family

Mommy and her little man
Proud Papa
From the left: my dad, mom, brother-in-law Michael, sister Shelley, me, David, Sam, Lisa's husband Dee, and Lisa (Sam's mom). Sam's dad Jerry was also there for the blessing, but he had to cut out early before we took pictures. Thanks for being there, Grandpa Banks! We love you!

Wow! Sam--your mom is a babe. I can tell you're related--wait, that didn't sound right. They are two separate, and appropriate comments.
1) You look like your mom
2) Your mom is very pretty.
I'll stop now.
Ha ha ha. Jenna I can always count on you for a laugh. And I agree on both accounts. And I don't separate the two.
Little David is just too stinkin cute!!! he looks absolutely adorable in his blessing outfit! We miss you guys!!!
The blessing Sam gave seriously was so special. I'm glad we could be a part of it. I love all the family pictures - they are so beautiful. And your little boy in his shorts outfit is just the cutest!!
What great pics and what a great family! I think we were all teary eyed on that blessing__and yes, he was cuter than cute in his blessing outfit. Ditto to Cory__Lisa is hot! Thanks for getting blessing pictures up!
Wish we could have been there! We love you guys...
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